Khamis, 11 Jun 2009


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Selasa, 9 Jun 2009





Discovered attack
Garry Kasparov vs. World Team 1999
Kasparov played 12.Nc7+, which forks black's king and rook on a8.
Main article: Discovered attack
A discovered attack is a move which unmasks an attack by another piece. A piece is moved away so as to unmask the attack of a friendly bishop, rook or queen on an enemy piece. If the attacked piece is the king, the situation is referred to as a discovered check. Discovered attacks are powerful as the moving piece may be able to pose a second threat.
A special case of a discovered check is a double check, where the piece being unmasked and the piece being moved attack the enemy king. A double check requires that the opponent moves his/her king as the king is under attack from two directions and it is impossible to counter both at the same time in any other way.
Main article: Fork
A fork is a move that uses one piece to attack two or more of the opponent's pieces simultaneously, hoping to achieve material advantage, since the opponent can only counter one of the two threats. Knights are often used for forks, with their unique moving and jumping ability. A common situation is a knight jumping to c2 or c7, thereby threatening both the enemy rook and the king. Such "king forks" are particularly effective, because the opponent is forced by the rules of the game to alleviate the threat to the king. The opponent cannot choose to defend the other piece, and thus cannot use a zwischenzug to complicate the situation. Pawns can also be effective for forking. By moving a pawn forward, it may attack two pieces; one diagonally to the left and one diagonally to the right.
Queens are also excellent forking pieces, because they can move in eight different directions. However, this is only useful if both pieces are undefended, or if one is undefended and the other is the opposing king. The queen is the most valuable piece (excluding the king), so it is usually not profitable for it to capture a defended piece.
Paul Morphy vs. Consultation Team 1858
After Morphy's 14th move, both Black's knight and rook on d7 are pinned.
Main article: Pin
A pin is a move which forces one of the opponent's pieces to stay put because moving it would expose a more valuable piece behind it. Sometimes pinned pieces cannot move at all, as doing so would expose the king. Only bishops, rooks, and queens can pin other pieces, because they move in straight lines.
Main article: Skewer
A skewer is a move which attacks two pieces in a line, similar to a pin, except that the enemy piece of greater value is in front of the piece of lesser value. After the more valuable piece moves away, the lesser piece can be captured. Queens, rooks, and bishops can perform the skewer.
Pawns are extremely useful in the game and are far more powerful than meets the eye. When a piece cannot be captured without the attacking piece also being captured, pawns will suffice for that purpose. A single pawn approaching will force a more powerful piece, such as a rook or a knight, to retreat. A simple move of a pawn may reveal a hidden threat (see Discovered attacks). Also, when pawns are arranged in a diagonal line, with the frontmost pawns guarded by the pawns behind, they form an almost impenetrable wall capable of protecting any pieces directly behind them. Furthermore, a pawn which has progressed all the way to the opposite side of the board may be promoted to any other piece except a king. However, a weak pawn structure can be a big weakness.
Colle vs. O'Hanlon 1930
Colle played 12.Bxh7+, an example of the so-called Greek gift sacrifice.
Main article: Sacrifice
Sacrificing some material is often necessary to throw the opponent's position out of balance. The sacrificed material is sometimes able to be regained with interest a couple of moves later. Pawn sacrifices in the opening are known as gambits; they are usually not intended for a short-term gain, but instead to achieve a more active position.
Direct attacks against the enemy king are often started by sacrifices. A common example is sacrificing a bishop on h2 or h7, checking the king, who usually must take the bishop. This allows the queen and knight to develop a fulminate attack.
] Zugzwang
Main article: Zugzwang
Zugzwang (German for compulsion to move) occurs when a player is forced to make an undesirable move. The player is put at a disadvantage because he would prefer to pass and make no move, but a move has to be made, all of which weaken his position. Situations involving zugzwang occur uncommonly, but when they do occur, it is almost always in the endgame, where there are fewer choices of available moves.
Main article: Zwischenzug
Zwischenzug (German for intermediate move) is a common tactic which, instead of countering a direct threat, a move is played which poses an even more devastating threat, often an attack against the queen or the king. The opponent has to counter that threat first, and this will ideally change the situation to a disadvantage for that player.
The concept of a zwischenzug is often listed as a tactic, but might properly be called a counter-tactic instead. The effect of a zwischenzug is to change the status quo before a tactic can come to fruition. The near ubiquity of the zwischenzug makes long combinations all the more rare and impressive


HeChigorin Defense
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This article uses algebraic notation to describe chess moves.
The Chigorin Defense is a chess opening named for 19th century Russian grandmaster Mikhail Chigorin. An uncommonly played defense to the Queen's Gambit, it begins with the moves
1. d4 d5
2. c4 Nc6
(Chigorin has another important opening named for him that is also sometimes called the Chigorin Defense. The Chigorin Variation is a popular defense to the Ruy Lopez. See Ruy Lopez for details.)
The Chigorin Defense violates several classical principles: Black does not maintain the center pawn at d5, the c-pawn is blocked, and Black must be willing to trade a bishop for a knight. (Chigorin valued the bishop pair less than most chess masters; some say he even preferred knights to bishops in all positions.[citation needed]) In return Black gets quick development and piece pressure on the center.
Although opening assessments change as improvements are found for each side, the Chigorin seems to be playable for Black and it is useful as a surprise weapon against the Queen's Gambit. Alexander Morozevich is perhaps the only modern grandmaster who regularly plays the Chigorin Defense, although in the '80s, Vassily Smyslov did employ the opening against Gary Kasparov. Morozevich has also published a book on the Chigorin Defence,[1] in which he gives both a theoretical and a personal view on the opening.
Baltic Defense
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This article uses algebraic notation to describe chess moves.
Baltic Defense
1.d4 d5 2.c4 Bf5
Named after
Paul Keres (Born in the Baltic state Estonia)
Queen's Gambit Declined
Grau (Sahovic) Defence, Keres Defense opening explorer
The Baltic Defense or Keres Defense is a chess opening that is characterized by the following moves:
1. d4 d5
2. c4 Bf5
(The similarly-named Baltic Opening is a different opening played by White that begins 1. Nc3.)
The Baltic is an unusual variation of the Queen's Gambit Declined. It has not found widespread acceptance among chess masters, but some world-class players have used it including grandmasters Paul Keres and Alexei Shirov.
In most defenses to the Queen's Gambit Declined, Black has difficulties developing his queen bishop. This opening takes a radical approach to the problem by bringing out the queen bishop immediately.
White has a number of moves in reply to this opening, including 3.Qb3, 3.Nc3, 3.cxd5, 3.e3, and 3.Nf3.
re is some tips to be cool in chess
Ketagihan merokok
Merokok melibatkan penggantungan psikologikal dan fizikal atau ketagihan yang berpunca daripada dadah nikotin yang terkandung di dalam asap rokok.
Nikotin boleh bertindak terus ke atas otak dengan memberi kesan rangsangan. Rangsangan ini diperkukuhkan pula oleh pelbagai faktor pendorong yang boleh bersifat positif dan negatif.
Contohnya, perokok akan merokok dengan lebih kerap apabila berada di tempat-tempat hiburan di mana keseronokan berada di tempat hiburan bertindak sebagai faktor pendorong positif. Perokok juga akan merokok dengan lebih kerap apabila berasa bosan atau mengalami perasaan tertekan - faktor pendorong yang negatif.
Selain penggantungan psikologikal dan fizikal akibat nikotin, perokok juga terperangkap dengan kongkongan tabiat yang cukup payah untuk dilepaskan.
Ia terbentuk akibat perlakuan berulang- ulang sebelum, semasa dan selepas merokok seperti mengetuk rokok, menyalakan, menyedut dan menghembuskan asap rokok, menjentik puntung rokok dan sebagainya.
Makan, minum (terutamanya minuman berkafeina dan alkohol), melakukan hubungan jenis dan membuang air kecil atau besar, juga merupakan faktor-faktor pendorong yang sering dikaitkan dengan amalan merokok sama ada merokok dilakukan terlebih dahulu atau, dilakukan semasa mahupun selepas faktor-faktor pendorong seperti yang tersebut di atas, disempurnakan.
Ketagihan merokok
Merokok melibatkan penggantungan psikologikal dan fizikal atau ketagihan yang berpunca daripada dadah nikotin yang terkandung di dalam asap rokok.
Nikotin boleh bertindak terus ke atas otak dengan memberi kesan rangsangan. Rangsangan ini diperkukuhkan pula oleh pelbagai faktor pendorong yang boleh bersifat positif dan negatif.
Contohnya, perokok akan merokok dengan lebih kerap apabila berada di tempat-tempat hiburan di mana keseronokan berada di tempat hiburan bertindak sebagai faktor pendorong positif. Perokok juga akan merokok dengan lebih kerap apabila berasa bosan atau mengalami perasaan tertekan - faktor pendorong yang negatif.
Selain penggantungan psikologikal dan fizikal akibat nikotin, perokok juga terperangkap dengan kongkongan tabiat yang cukup payah untuk dilepaskan.
Ia terbentuk akibat perlakuan berulang- ulang sebelum, semasa dan selepas merokok seperti mengetuk rokok, menyalakan, menyedut dan menghembuskan asap rokok, menjentik puntung rokok dan sebagainya.
Makan, minum (terutamanya minuman berkafeina dan alkohol), melakukan hubungan jenis dan membuang air kecil atau besar, juga merupakan faktor-faktor pendorong yang sering dikaitkan dengan amalan merokok sama ada merokok dilakukan terlebih dahulu atau, dilakukan semasa mahupun selepas faktor-faktor pendorong seperti yang tersebut di atas, disempurnakan.


Main article: Atmospheric chemistry
Composition of Earth's atmosphere as of Dec. 1987. The lower pie represents the least common gases that compose 0.038% of the atmosphere. Values normalized for illustration.

Mean atmospheric water vapor
Filtered air includes trace amounts of many of the chemical elements. Substantial amounts of argon, nitrogen, and oxygen are present as elementary gases. Note the major greenhouse gases: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Many additional elements from natural sources may be present in tiny amounts in an unfiltered air sample, including contributions from dust, pollen and spores, sea spray, vulcanism, and meteoroids. Various industrial pollutants are also now present in the air, such as chlorine (elementary or in compounds), fluorine (in compounds), elementary mercury, and sulfur (in compounds such as sulfur dioxide [SO2]).
Composition of dry atmosphere, by volume[5]
ppmv: parts per million by volume
Nitrogen (N2)
780,840 ppmv (78.084%)
Oxygen (O2)
209,460 ppmv (20.946%)
Argon (Ar)
9,340 ppmv (0.9340%)
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
383 ppmv (0.0383%)
Neon (Ne)
18.18 ppmv (0.001818%)
Helium (He)
5.24 ppmv (0.000524%)
Methane (CH4)
1.745 ppmv (0.0001745%)
Krypton (Kr)
1.14 ppmv (0.000114%)
Hydrogen (H2)
0.55 ppmv (0.000055%)
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
0.3 ppmv (0.00003%)
Xenon (Xe)
0.09 ppmv (9x10-6%)
Ozone (O3)
0.0 to 0.07 ppmv (0%-7x10-6%)
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
0.02 ppmv (2x10-6%)
Iodine (I)
0.01 ppmv (1x10-6%)
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Ammonia (NH3)
Not included in above dry atmosphere:
Water vapor (H2O)
~0.40% over full atmosphere, typically 1%-4% at surface


Particulate matter formed from gaseous primary pollutants and compounds in photochemical smog .Smog is a kind of air pollution; the word "smog" is Air pollution
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment, into the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is a complex, dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth's ecosystems.

Air pollution from World War II production.
• 1 Pollutants
• 2 Sources
o 2.1 Emission factors
• 3 Indoor air quality (IAQ)
• 4 Health effects
o 4.1 Effects on cystic fibrosis
o 4.2 Effects on COPD
o 4.3 The Great Smog of 1952
o 4.4 Effects on children
o 4.5 Health effects in relatively "clean" areas
• 5 Reduction efforts
o 5.1 Control devices
• 6 Legal regulations
o 6.1 Canada
o 6.2 European Union
 6.2.1 United Kingdom
o 6.3 United States
• 7 Statistics
o 7.1 Most polluted cities
o 7.2 Carbon dioxide emissions
• 8 Atmospheric dispersion
• 9 Environmental impacts of greenhouse gas pollutants
• 10 See also
• 11 References
• 12 External links

Main article: Pollutant

Before flue gas desulfurization was installed, the emissions from this power plant in New Mexico contained excessive amounts of sulfur dioxide.
An air pollutant is known as a substance in the air that can cause harm to humans and the environment. Pollutants can be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. In addition, they may be natural or man-made.[1]
Pollutants can be classified as either primary or secondary. Usually, primary pollutants are substances directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories.
Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. Rather, they form in the air when primary pollutants react or interact. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ground level ozone - one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photochemical smog.
Note that some pollutants may be both primary and secondary: that is, they are both emitted directly and formed from other primary pollutants.
About 4 percent of deaths in the United States can be attributed to air pollution, according to the Environmental Science Engineering Program at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Major primary pollutants produced by human activity include:
• Sulfur oxides (SOx) - especially sulfur dioxide, a chemical compound with the formula SO2. SO2 is produced by volcanoes and in various industrial processes. Since coal and petroleum often contain sulfur compounds, their combustion generates sulfur dioxide. Further oxidation of SO2, usually in the presence of a catalyst such as NO2, forms H2SO4, and thus acid rain.[2] This is one of the causes for concern over the environmental impact of the use of these fuels as power sources.
• Nitrogen oxides (NOx) - especially nitrogen dioxide are emitted from high temperature combustion. Can be seen as the brown haze dome above or plume downwind of cities.Nitrogen dioxide is the chemical compound with the formula NO2. It is one of the several nitrogen oxides. This reddish-brown toxic gas has a characteristic sharp, biting odor. NO2 is one of the most prominent air pollutants.
• Carbon monoxide - is a colourless, odourless, non-irritating but very poisonous gas. It is a product by incomplete combustion of fuel such as natural gas, coal or wood. Vehicular exhaust is a major source of carbon monoxide.
• Carbon dioxide (CO2) - a greenhouse gas emitted from combustion but is also a gas vital to living organisms. It is a natural gas in the atmosphere.
• Volatile organic compounds - VOCs are an important outdoor air pollutant. In this field they are often divided into the separate categories of methane (CH4) and non-methane (NMVOCs). Methane is an extremely efficient greenhouse gas which contributes to enhanced global warming. Other hydrocarbon VOCs are also significant greenhouse gases via their role in creating ozone and in prolonging the life of methane in the atmosphere, although the effect varies depending on local air quality. Within the NMVOCs, the aromatic compounds benzene, toluene and xylene are suspected carcinogens and may lead to leukemia through prolonged exposure. 1,3-butadiene is another dangerous compound which is often associated with industrial uses.
• Particulate matter - Particulates, alternatively referred to as particulate matter (PM) or fine particles, are tiny particles of solid or liquid suspended in a gas. In contrast, aerosol refers to particles and the gas together. Sources of particulate matter can be man made or natural. Some particulates occur naturally, originating from volcanoes, dust storms, forest and grassland fires, living vegetation, and sea spray. Human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels in vehicles, power plants and various industrial processes also generate significant amounts of aerosols. Averaged over the globe, anthropogenic aerosols—those made by human activities—currently account for about 10 percent of the total amount of aerosols in our atmosphere. Increased levels of fine particles in the air are linked to health hazards such as heart disease, altered lung function and lung cancer.
• Toxic metals, such as lead, cadmium and copper.
• Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) - harmful to the ozone layer emitted from products currently banned from use.
• Ammonia (NH3) - emitted from agricultural processes. Ammonia is a compound with the formula NH3. It is normally encountered as a gas with a characteristic pungent odor. Ammonia contributes significantly to the nutritional needs of terrestrial organisms by serving as a precursor to foodstuffs and fertilizers. Ammonia, either directly or indirectly, is also a building block for the synthesis of many pharmaceuticals. Although in wide use, ammonia is both caustic and hazardous.
• Odors - such as from garbage, sewage, and industrial processes
• Radioactive pollutants - produced by nuclear explosions, war explosives, and natural processes such as the radioactive decay of radon.
Secondary pollutants include:
a portmanteau of smoke and fog. Classic smog results from large amounts of coal burning in an area caused by a mixture of smoke and sulfur dioxide. Modern smog does not usually come from coal but from vehicular and industrial emissions that are acted on in the atmosphere by sunlight to form secondary pollutants that also combine with the primary emissions to form photochemical smog.
• Ground level ozone (O3) formed from NOx and VOCs. Ozone (O3) is a key constituent of the troposphere (it is also an important constituent of certain regions of the stratosphere commonly known as the Ozone layer). Photochemical and chemical reactions involving it drive many of the chemical processes that occur in the atmosphere by day and by night. At abnormally high concentrations brought about by human activities (largely the combustion of fossil fuel), it is a pollutant, and a constituent of smog.
• Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) - similarly formed from NOx and VOCs.
Minor air pollutants include:
• A large number of minor hazardous air pollutants. Some of these are regulated in USA under the Clean Air Act and in Europe under the Air Framework Directive.
• A variety of persistent organic pollutants, which can attach to particulate matter.
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation through chemical, biological, and photolytic processes. Because of this, they have been observed to persist in the environment, to be capable of long-range transport, bioaccumulate in human and animal tissue, biomagnify in food chains, and to have potential significant impacts on human health and the environment. AIR



1. Kemanakah sultan Mahmud Shah selepas kejatuhan Melaka ?
Melaka Pagoh Bentayan Pahang Kampar

2. Siapakah waris sultan Mahmud ?
· Raja Ali-------------Sultan Allauddin Riayat Shah II
· Mendirikan kerajaan Ujong Tanah ( Johor)

3. Apakah tindakan –tindakan Sultan Allauddin dalam menguatkan kerajaan Johor ?

· Bendahara dan Sri Nara Diraja (Penghulu Bendahari) ditugaskan untuk memajukan Pekan Tua
· Membina kubu pertahanan yang dikenali Kota Kara
· Menguasai semula semua tanah jajahan dibawahnya
· Negeri kawalan Johor dimestikan menghantar tentera dan membekalkan barang-barang eksport

4. Apakah tindakan-tindakan Johor dalam menggadapi ancaman luar ?
· Sentiasa ubahkan pusat pentadbiran kerajaannya sepanjang Sungai Johor dan Kepulauan Riau-Lingga

5. Apakah usaha-usaha yang diambil oleh Johor untuk menawan semula Melaka ?



6. Siapakah tokoh-tokoh Johor yang penting ?

6.1 : Tun Sri Lanang

6.2 : Laksamana Tun Abdul Jamil

7. SiapakahTiga musuh Negeri Johor ?
· Portugis
· Acheh
· Jambi

· Terletak di utara sumatera
· Menjadi kuasa Islam yang kuat setelah kejatuhan Melaka
· Pedagang dari Benggala,Sri Lanka,Pegu dan Turki mula ke Aceh
· Antara sebab-sebabnya : - Portugis hapuskan monopoli perdagangan pedagang asing
- Peraturan dan sekatan perdagangan yang ketat
- Cukai yang tinggi
1. Sultan Acheh yang paling popular ialah : Sultan Iskandar Muda Mahkota Alam
2. Beliau berjaya menakluki kawasan-kawasan milik Melaka termasuk Johor sekali.
3. Acheh berkuasa menentukan bakal sultan Johor setelah berjaya menawannya.
4. Acheh juga menakluki Pedir dan Pasai- berjaya menguasai perdagangan Lada hitam.
Perang Tiga Segi

1.Portugis :


3. Johor